Florida’s Anti-ESG Bill and Its Implications on the State’s banking Sector

Nov 2, 2023

Florida’s HB3, signed into law by Governor Ron DeSantis on May 2nd, has made a notable mark in the world of ESG, or Environmental, Social and Governance standards that many companies and investors consider in business decisions. Unlike other states that primarily focus on public fund investments, HB3’s reach extends beyond to include state-chartered depository institutions, money services businesses and consumer lending companies. The implications of this legislation are far-reaching. HB3 sets a new de-risking standard for financial institutions by prohibiting denial of services to customers who may have been previously denied services on the basis of an institution’s ESG standards.

Compliance Burdens and Policy Changes for Financial Institutions

The implementation of HB3 introduces new compliance requirements and the potential for policy changes that financial institutions operating in Florida must navigate. Given the complexity and scope of HB3, there is a need for expert insights to shed light on the implications for banks. Understanding the compliance requirements and the potential changes financial institutions may face is crucial in adapting to the new regulatory landscape. These challenges call for a proactive approach and thorough assessment of existing practices to ensure alignment with HB3 and mitigate risks associated with non-compliance.

The Impact on Qualified Public Depositories (QPDs) and Beyond

One specific area of impact for HB3 lies in Florida’s qualified public depositories (QPDs), approved by the state to hold public deposits. However, it’s important to note that not all banks in Florida fall under this category. While there are approximately 130 QPD banks in the state, other banks, including nationally-chartered ones, operate without being QPDs. Therefore, understanding the distinctions and implications for different types of financial institutions is crucial.

Compared to other states, Florida’s HB3 stands out as one of the most aggressive anti-ESG laws. As financial institutions strive to ensure compliance, they will need to submit an annual attestation certifying adherence to the new subsections of the law. Although the specific penalties for non-compliance have yet to be specified, Florida’sOffice of Financial Regulation (OFR) has proposed language for the attestation form. The alignment of this form with QPD requirements is vital to ensure accurate compliance attestation and avoid penalties that may lead to a disruption of business.

The Growing Divide and Conflicting Regulations

The passing of HB3 and similar legislation in other states underscores the growing divide between conservative-leaning state legislatures and federal policymakers. Banks operating in the United States, both domestic and foreign, will face challenges as they navigate the inconsistencies and potential conflicts between state and federal ESG laws. Regulatory guidance from agencies such as the OFR and the Department of Financial Services (DFS) is expected to provide further clarity on compliance expectations and parameters.

De-Risking within the Banking Industry

HB3 also addresses de-risking within the banking industry. Financial institutions are required to adopt an impartial and risk-based approach when making decisions concerning customer relationships. Thorough documentation of analysis and decision-making processes becomes crucial, as denials or cancellations based on subjective or biased reasons can lead to penalties, lawsuits, and disqualification for QPDs. Compliance programs to comply with AML/CFT requirements at the federal level remain unchanged, but the need for comprehensive documentation and quantifiable analysis if a customer is going to be denied services is emphasized.

Florida’s HB3 reflects the divisive political climate in the United States, with state legislatures venturing into areas traditionally managed by federal authorities. Navigating the requirements of HB3 demands careful consideration and compliance with both state and federal ESG laws, alongside the implementation of sound risk-based practices. Financial institutions in Florida must proactively assess their practices, seek expert guidance from legal and risk management advisors, and ensure they align with the evolving regulatory landscape. Companies like Integro Advisers, with its specialized advisory services, can provide valuable assistance to financial institutions in managing their business, legal, governance, and reputational risks in this evolving ESG landscape. Moreover, it is important for the banking sector to monitor and engage with policymakers and regulators to shape the future of ESG regulation and its impact on their industry.

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